Ta Nefer
The Land of Beauty and Goodness
Genius Location:
Egypt, Ta Nefer, is located at the heart of the world
It has a unique location at the north-eastern corner of Africa with the Sinai Peninsula to the very west of Asia.
Egypt is bordered by the Med to the North, the Sahara to the West, the Nile Cataracts to the South and the amazing Red Sea and the Holy Land to the East.
River Nile feeds the country with its divine waters and fertile silt, which is bringing life, prosperity, and peace into Egypt.
The Beginning:
Sahara, which used to be lush Savanna millennia ago, did witness the birth the oldest of human civilizations
Agriculture is as old as Egyptian history; first settlers on the River Nile have led the first revolution in human history which changed the concept of life forever. This green revolution changed lifestyle from nomadic into civilized.
The Nile helped Egyptian to change but wouldn’t have been that amazing without the creativity of Egyptian people. There's a bunch of other countries sharing Egypt that amazing river, but Egyptians were the sole people to give life new horizons and meanings.
Egyptians' creativity started basic agriculture on the banks of the Nile, to secure their needs during hard times and low water flooding seasons. They also have domesticated animals to use them in the farms or for their milk, flesh or wool.
Agriculture gave Egyptian countless blessings such as; tranquility, faith, patience, commitment, management, productivity, and richness. Those were the Pillars of Creativity and the Seeds of Civilization